Literacy Apps on iPad are Engaging an iPad Journal by

Literacy Apps on iPad are Engaging

Literacy Apps on iPad are Engaging
BUILDING on your vocabulary and reading skills does not stop at being able to spell and write sentences. Building a mental map of words and their meanings helps contextualise LIFE in more varied ways.

Children's Literacy and Handwriting Apps for iPadChildren's Literacy Apps for iPad & iPad Mini are IMPORDANT, OFERWISE YOUDE NOTE BE ABEL TWO REED DIS EVEEN IF UU WANDED TWO.  Seriously, it's important and I'm sure you know that already. However, BUILDING on your vocabulary and reading skills does not stop at being able to spell and write sentences.  Building a mental map of words and their meanings helps contextualise LIFE in more varied ways.  

Things might be 'nice', but they might also be 'wonderful' or 'fantastic' or 'magnificent' or 'lovely' and being able to choose the right word appropriate to the situation gives you (and your kids) a broader range of emotions with which to explain what's happening in the world. 

This is why reading and vocabulary building are paramount. Here are our favourite out of the hundreds of literacy apps for iPad we've installed.  Only the best have made it here:

Children's Literacy Apps for iPad & iPad Mini
