iPad Setup for Children an iPad Journal by iPadFamily.com.au

iPad Setup for Children

iPad Setup for Children
We've got three children from age 3 up, and there is NO WAY I'd hand a child an iPad without making some adjustments to the Restrictions, what's available to them, on the iPad. Even if it's only for a few minutes, accessing the internet or unwanted places can do harm within a few moments.

{tag_introparagraph} Here are all of the articles related to Setting up an iPad for Children:

iPad Setup for Children: iPad Restrictions and Settings we Recommend for Children

iPad Setup for Children: iPad Restrictions and Settings we Recommend for Children

This is the HOW TO for setting the Restrictions we Recommend for a child's iPad
iPad Setup for Children: Sync Kids iPad to Mac (Computer) Before Installing Apps

iPad Setup for Children: Sync Kids iPad to Mac (Computer) Before Installing Apps

So this first: Sync your Child's new iPad to your Computer BEFORE Installing Apps
Here's an iPad - and it's all set up!

Here's an iPad - and it's all set up!

I would open the iPad, SET IT UP, THEN wrap it up for a Birthday or Christmas Gift.
Guided Access - Make Parts of your iPad Untappable

Guided Access - Make Parts of your iPad Untappable

We were recently asked by a Facebook friend how to prevent a two year old from tapping everywhere when given an iPad.
How to Install an EMOJI Keyboard on your iPad

How to Install an EMOJI Keyboard on your iPad

Adding Emoji to your iPad is a fun way to add expression to your text-based data.
How to Setup & Customise Siri on your iPad

How to Setup & Customise Siri on your iPad

Siri is wonderful, Siri is grand, Siri is the personal assistant in your hand...
iPad Setup: How to Set Up FaceTime on your iPad

iPad Setup: How to Set Up FaceTime on your iPad

Instructions on how to set up FaceTime on your child's iPad and how to get connected.