With a full range of main subjects this is one of the best maths App we have discovered on the App Store.
The App offers a TRAINING Area where the bulk of the learning takes place. This covers the 9 Main Subjects for Year 3 Maths, each with 9 sub-categories. Here you can earn Badges and win Tokens to use at the Circus Area.
- Numbers: To 1000, Order Numbers and Rounding, Place Value, Number Sense & Estimation, Odd & Even, Number Words, Counting by 5's/10's/100's, Numbers to 10,000, Word Problems.
- Addition: Add to 20, Add to 100, Make Tens, Doubles and near Doubles, Jump, Compensation, Related Facts, Split, Word Problems.
- Subtraction:Subtract to 10, Subtract to 20, Subtract to 50, Subtract to 100, Halves, Difference & Patterns, Jump Strategy, Mixed, Word Problems.
- Multiplication: 0/1/2 tables, 5/10 tables, 3/4 Tables, 6 Times Tables, 7 Times tables, 8 Times Tables, 9 Times Tables, Teens or Mixed, Word Problems.
- Division: Sharing & Groups of, Halving & Divide by 2, Divide by 5 & Divide by 10, Divide by 3 & Divide by 6, Divide by 4, Inverse Operations 2/3/5/10, Divide by 8, Inverse Operations 4/6/8, Word Problems.
- Fractions: Halves & Quarters, Thirds/Sixths/Fifths & Eights, Tenths & Hundredths, Mixed Numerals, Halves & Quarters of Numbers, Fractions of Numbers, Number Lines, Equivalent fractions, Word Problems.
- Shapes and Patterns: 2D Shapes, 3D Objects & Nets, Lines & Angles, Symmetry, Position, Patterns, Sequences, Rules +, Word Problems.
- Money & Data: Coins, Notes, Change, Adding, Working with Money, Tallies and Graphs, Data, Chance and Word problems.
- Measurement: Telling Analogue Time, Digital & Analogue, Minutes/Days & Weeks, Working with Time, Length, Capacity, Area, Mass, Word Problems.
Within each of these sub-categories there are 3 LEVELS available.
Within the TIMED Area, MULTI-PLAYER Area and CIRCUS Area added.
You child can see their selection of Badges for motivation and valuable visual feedback. The Progress Chart by individual is an EXCELLENT Record of Achievement.