Board Games on iPad are Great for a Reason an iPad Journal by

Board Games on iPad are Great for a Reason

Board Games on iPad are Great for a Reason
Board games are fun, but as my son has said, they are fun until someone knocks the board and all the pieces go flying. He's right, that's not fun at all. The board games now available on iPad or iPad Mini are high-quality yet retain the feel of the original paper and pieces physical game!

Board games are fun, but as my son has said, "they are fun until someone knocks the board and all the pieces go flying."  He's right, that's not fun at all.  

But now, thanks to iPad, even SCRABBLE can be played without bumping a single time out of place!  The board games now available on iPad or iPad Mini are high-quality yet retain the feel of the original paper and pieces physical game!

Board games on iPad and iPad Mini are great!  

We've played Scrabble a hundred times with my wife's parents, and now we can have a game with all four of us on our OWN iPad, playing against each other.  Amazing!  

Not all of the board games are as fun as their physical-world counterparts, so we've just listed the quality ones we find are just as fun or close to the original.

Best Board Games for iPad and iPad Mini we Recommend:
