With an easy to use interface that puts lots of artistic resources literally at your finger tips. This is one of the Arts Apps for Children that doesn't require much explanation. Kids can just pick it up and start. Drawing Pad is easy and intuitive - and lots of fun!

Drawing Pad has so much to offer!
With an easy to use interface that puts lots of artistic resources literally at your finger tips. This is one of the Arts Apps for Children that doesn't require much explanation. Kids can just pick it up and start.
It's easy and intuitive - and lots of fun!
A huge range of colours are available in all medium types such as crayons, pencils, markers, stencils, stickers and paintbrushes.
You can choose from a wide variety of paper types and colours which means that anything is possible and your picture just keeps changing as you explore your artist's palate.
Your creations are very easy to save and export.
This app may be a little too much for younger children (under 4) simply because there is so much choice, we found it best for the adults to share what is possible first, and then let the children's imaginations run wild!
We use
Drawing Pad during almost every
iPad turn.
It's the first app the little kids reach for when creating a new drawing on the iPad.
It's amazing now to get eMailed drawings from the children's homeschooling lessons (a few rooms away) which I now add to iPhoto on my iMac instead of pinning a piece of paper up on the refigerator!
Times change.
Great App all round.