Photography on iPad Makes Cameras Obsolete an iPad Journal by

Photography on iPad Makes Cameras Obsolete

Photography on iPad Makes Cameras Obsolete
The iPad has now taken over the role of the 'camera' in our family. As a professional photographer, one of the things I was always aware of was not simply taking a good photograph, but being in the right place at the right time to take the photograph!

Best Photography Apps for KidsHaving a multi function device such as iPad in the family has made many single function devices obsolete.  

The iPad has now taken over the role of the 'camera' in our family.  As a professional photographer, one of the things I was always aware of was not simply taking a good photograph, but being in the right place at the right time to take the photograph!  

The other important factor, was always knowing how to use the camera! With iPad, and a few simple techniques, anyone can take high-quality, professional images, with very little effort! 

Here's THREE essential iPad Camera tips:

To easily focus the camera, simply tap on the screen where you want the photograph to focus on.  A small square will appear, and the iPad will be focused on that area of the image that you tapped on.

You can also lock the focus and exposure of an image by tapping and holding the place you want to focus lock your photograph to.    When you do this you will find the same box appears, but after holding it for a moment it will grow larger and flash, flash, flash.  This means the iPad is locked on that area of focus and exposure.  

Also, when taking in image that may not be quite horizontal or vertical, you can use your screen rotation lock to lock the iPad camera in portrait or landscape mode.  

With those three simple techniques, you should be able to take beautiful, high-quality, intimate images very easily.  Below you will find some of our favorite photography apps including apps for taking photographs, editing photographs, blending photographs, and sharing photographs with your iPad. 

Favourite iPad Photography Apps
