Best iPad Apps for Children Age 9-12, Reviewed

Children at this age are at their 'childhood's end', as the next stage of development will take them into 'adulthood'.  It can be a time of challenges, though we find children of this age compassionate, filled with energy to engage in the world. Freud himself theorised that children at this age become 'introspective' and begin developing 'social concerns' in these prepubescent years.   To us, this means 'give them the reins' and let them express themselves... in whatever form that takes. With the BEST iPad Apps you can help them grow into clever and creative young adults! Our latest reviews are listed firsts, and go back in time from there.

Fortress under Siege

Challenging strategic thinking game


Create fabulous photographic montages in seconds with this awesome iPad photo framing App!


Rock and Roll or Orchestrate with this amazing music creation App by Apple!

Giana Sisters

Twin sisters with different powers! Excellent, fun and colourful platform game!


Brilliant way of making movies right on your iPad!

Jack and the Beanstalk Children's Interactive Storybook

Our Favourite Jack and the Beanstalk App. Fun, beautiful, re-engaging!!

Let's Create! Pottery HD

Sculpt in 3D with this wonderfully designed and engaging iPad App!


Yes, MahJong - but on the iPad. This version rocks!

Majesty the Fantasy Kingdom Sim

One of our favourite computer games NOW for iPad! Still great! Wahoo!!


Full range of customisable maths problems for all ages: Test knowledge on a wide range of maths.

Muffin Knight

Unique platform game with an interesting range of characters & superpowers!

My Kingdom for the Princess

Unique strategy sim providing hours of entertaining gameplay!

My Kingdom for the Princess II

Creative and unique strategy simulation game providing hours of gameplay!

Nyx Quest HD

An adventurous character quest, different and challenging!

Radiant HD

Alien invaders from the 70's have returned - with an upgrade!

Sparkle HD

Quick action non-competitive, aweseome game.

Storm in a Teacup

Challenging platform game with unique features and hours of fun!

Tilt to Live HD

Tilt the iPad to dodge the red dots...sounds easy... BUT IS NOT!

Woozzle HD

Unique iPad action puzzle, this App is one of a kind! Great!

Aralon: Sword & Shadow HD

Beautifully created, one of our favourite 3D Adventure Games!

tChess Pro

This Chess app makes learning to play chess easy and improving your game fun!

Angry Birds HD

Physics-based game that works on trajectory and is so much fun for adults and children!